
Soul Sister Community


Soul Sister Community

Soul Sister Community
It is a dream come true to bring together like minded sisters to celebrate life’s beauty, sorrows, and the everyday ups and downs.
A community to gather in nature and celebrate her bounty and glory. 
Ring in the seasons and connect with the moon’s cycles.
Recalibrate our bodies to sync up with nature and become attuned to the alchemical wonders of life. 
Share your experiences, share your gifts, share in the experience.
Join in ceremony circle, not only a place to connect but a platform to grow and interconnect, to uplift one another.
Holding circle is a historic, multicultural event, celebrating all ages and aspects of being a woman, she, her, they, them .
Sign up for a moon circle, new or full, create or suggest an event and we’ll make it happen.

Are You Ready To Perceive

Transforming Perception


Neuro Linguistic, Programing

Intuitive Guidance & Coaching

Cymatic Sound Healing

Are You Ready To Experience


Breath Work

Personalized Yoga

Meditation Yoga

Are You Ready To Receive


Craniosacral Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Vegas Nerve Simulation

Soul Sister Community program