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About Cassandra Billard

I began my career as an aesthetician leaning toward holistic products and aroma therapy. I noticed some twenty-five years ago that people were more than often falling asleep during treatments and commenting on how relaxed they felt. I created a place for them to sit quietly after treatment and drink water and browse thru books such as “An Open Heart; Practicing Compassion Every Day”, by the Dali Lama. I was completely unaware that I was introducing a form of meditation and yoga to my clients by simply allowing them to take a moment of stillness.

At a certain point I became pregnant and a full-time mom, no longer working. I began practicing yoga regularly and felt it was helping me to become a better mother and a more balanced person. I felt a calling and reflected on my work as an aesthetician. I missed the part that wasn’t physical the part that made people fall asleep or into a peaceful state. I began studying Reiki as well as hypnosis.

I eventually became certified with the yoga alliance and I am now a 500-hour certified teacher. I have basic certification in hypnotherapy. I became Reiki attuned ,trained in Marma points and other healing methods.

Living in Palm Desert, I was not far from the world-famous Integratron, a curious place of sound healing. I became fascinated with the concept of vibration and frequency as well as the power of the spoken word and chanting. I began to not only recognize the power of the spoken word but the unspoken word as well. Our inner dialogue is something often quelled during meditation and mantras however there is a time and place to work on the power of that inner dialogue on a conscious and subconscious level. I began to explore and became fascinated and certified in neuro linguistic programming, helping people rewrite inner toxic scripts.

As an Aesthetician, I focus on the skin differently than many. Incorporating somatics, energy work, yoga, Reiki, and meditation. I work to clear blockages and imbalances in people’s biofields. I work to stimulate the immune system allowing for holistic rejuvenation that leaves a person with a healthier mind, and body, inside and out. Using Marma points one can release stress from around the eyes, even inside the mouth where tension is often stored. Using ancient technology such as frequency, and cymatic therapy with bells, bowls, and tuning forks one can rinse toxins from the muscular and nervous system.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. The body is made up of roughly 60% water, water vibrates things like cymatic sound therapy affects a body because it is vibrating 60% of the person affecting the frequency. Tools such as a tuning fork are just as important as a topical cream.

Connecting a person to more than just topical, superficial treatments can attune them to potentially heal themselves. With administered holistic tools a person can learn techniques they can incorporate into their daily life, like pranayama work, certain prescribed yoga detoxifying poses, meditation techniques, and so on.

There can be many deep-rooted issues going on in a person’s life or past traumas showing up on the surface of the skin. To dive deeper is when a person might want to do some exploration of NLP Neuro-linguistic programming. Even if your skin is not acting up most people can benefit from this process of basically re-writing a toxic script of our inner dialogue. If you have ever heard the expression” I am hardwired for this”, it means” this is what I do”. Hard wires can be changed this is basically what Neuroplasticity is. Neuroplasticity helps ward off dementia and many other things. In my opinion.

Lymphatic drainage can be administered or taught to an individual to self-administer. Lymphatic drainage is incredibly important because of our exposure to environmental toxins. When overloaded with environmental toxins the lymphatic system becomes sluggish. This system is what helps clean our blood. When a person’s lymphatic system is overtaxed there is a build-up of lymphatic fluid not being properly flushed out. Not only does an over-taxed system create impurities throughout the bloodstream but the excess toxic fluids contribute to inflammation. The pressure of excess lymph fluids then compresses the cranial nerves. The cranial nerves serve as a message system to the whole body. Ideally, we want clear and direct messages going from the brain to a certain body part.

Craniosacral work or what I call manual VNS is a very important function of the therapies I offer. VNS is at the center of most of what I offer. V, in VNS, stands for vagus nerve, the longest and possibly most important cranial nerve in the body. The Vagus nerve connects the muscle and nerve tissue in the brain sending impulses passing through key points of the lymphatic system connecting thru the trunk of the body and spinal column. This is why cranial sacral work is so powerful, VNS.

A consultation will start with not only the observance of skin but also the eyes and how a person moves. The eyes are the window to the soul. If the pupils are dilated it indicates a person is in a fight, flight, or freeze response.

The autonomic nervous system is what drives the fight-flight or freeze mode. This is commonly discussed in yoga, a form of pranayama called Nadi Shodana is practiced to bring in balance. When the autonomic nervous system is out of balance it is sometimes caused or can cause an imbalance of the adrenal glands.

The vagus nerve is what helps manage the autonomic and adrenal systems. Combining yoga postures and breath work, meditation and or cranial sacral and lymphatic drainage or manual VNS we can better keep these systems at optimal function.

Throughout the physical body, there are channels and points known as the subtle body, these are commonly called nadis or chakras. The lines of energy are addressed in all of the work that I offer.

The subtle body also refers to the mind, body, and intellect this is why yoga, somatics, and NLP are such a big part of what I focus on, it all goes hand in hand.

Everything in and around the body is interconnected. In eastern philosophies, this is often referred to as Indra’s Net. When one goes deeper into exploration, one might find that not only is the body interconnected to itself and its experiences, but equally interconnected to everyone else’s experiences as well. Our experiences, who we are, and what we are, are all exquisitely connected as one. I believe this concept of Indra’s Net is the core of a visceral and deep awareness of where Organic Awakenings takes place.

Being good to ourselves physically, and energetically is mirrored and felt and transmuted to others.

Come experience ORGANIC AWAKENINGS. 

About Yoggs

Yoga For Your Mental and Physical Health

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